IEC 61850 Standard for critical funtions
Over the past five year, my research interest have focused on improving and optimization of IED-based control and protection schemes for electric substations. I am particularly interested in the use of IEC 61850 Standard, and associate communication links as a reliable network for critical funtions, such as trip or interlocking signals. My work is around the main grid of Colombian electric transmission network, where the design engineers had been very cautious and distrustful about the advantage of communication facilities of protective relays and control IED's. Traditionally communication protocols, as IEC 61850, had been accepted only for non critical functions (remote control, state supervision, and alarms). However, trip and interlocking signals, which manage the principal system safety, are designed with the old technology based on cooper wired circuit, under the moot pretext to be a proved technology. These approachs belong to past. Concepts relative to modern methods to manage functions in substation through IEC 61850 (e.g. process bus and sampled values) must be in the next generation of substations. As adhering to this stream at this point in my career, my primary interest in the inmediate future is to structure a coherent plan for use IEC 61850 Standard for critical functions in substation's control and protection schemes.
Victor, thank you for uploading your research statement. This is a good starting point to write a better statement. The paragraph is still not clearly organized. Also, I do not see a strong topic sentence. I will share with you some example statements in class and hopefully they will give you a better idea. Thank you!